瞄到上面寫著Bear Toy,就自己開心地在車上笑起來。
這是一面之緣的 Linda 寄給我的,回到家後,拆著每個禮物,
以及,很感動 Linda 準備這些東西的心意。
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England. The lace cloth is Nottingham lace.
Nottingham, in the middle of England, was famous in 1810 for its machine made lace.
Lace was made and finished there and is still made there today.
Ireland. The bear is made from Irish linen.
Ireland was a great producer of flax which is a short plant with purple flowers.
The stems are spun into a rough, strong thread which is linen, and the seeds are used to make linseed oil.
It is grown in our area of Yorkshire too and it is lovely to see whole fields of purple in the summer.
We stay on holiday sometimes in an old flax mill.
Scotland. The purse is tartan.
Many years ago Scotland was divided into 'clans' or tribes and each one had its own special pattern
of colours, or tartan. The men wore the tartan kilts, which are pleated skirts, to show which clan
they belonged to. They still do today, Last year our friend married a Scotsman and he wore a kilt
for the wedding.
Wales. The necklace is made from slate.
The hills in Wales are formed from slate, which is a type of rock the splits into flat plates,
It is used a lot for roofs on houses and for paths. The necklace is a small piece of slate set in silver and is
engraved with a daffodil. The daffodil is the Welsh flower.
York calendar.
This shows some views of the city where we live.
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遇見 Linda 是2008年的事,永遠不會忘記她帶給我溫暖的印象,